Online support chat with 24/7 access in your pocket. If you want to reach out to your local mamas, Baby Breathe Online provides an opportunity for us to communicate, share tips, seek advice and just see who else is awake at 3AM.
The group is on Telegram app. If you would like to join, please get in touch and we will send out a link via which you will be able to join.
We have partnered up with some of the best experts in Farnham and beyond. Baby Breathe Events offer talks and Q&A sessions with health practitioners, inspirational speakers, businesswomen and many other professionals, who are also mums, have mastered the balancing act and can give you motivation or advise you may be seeking. Please refer to the calendar for the upcoming events.
A monthly meeting of mothers looking for support with their mental and emotional health.
A collaboration between Baby Breathe and Carlton Psychology. Dr Rebecca Ker, psychologist, will lead gentle conversation and facilitate a space for mothers to focus on themselves. Whilst babies are welcome if necessary, we encourage mothers to come wit
A monthly meeting of mothers looking for support with their mental and emotional health.
A collaboration between Baby Breathe and Carlton Psychology. Dr Rebecca Ker, psychologist, will lead gentle conversation and facilitate a space for mothers to focus on themselves. Whilst babies are welcome if necessary, we encourage mothers to come without children where possible. In the peaceful setting of The Talking Shed in the garden at Space2Grow, come, breathe, think, process and share. Meet other mothers and feel supported.
Motherhood is far from a easy, and as much as we love spending most of our time with our little ones, it is so important to get out and enjoy yourself. Our monthly mamas night out offers a safe space to let loose a little, put on some make up and attempt to walk in the high heels that we once wore out every weekend and danced our nights away. Please reach out if you would like to join.
Keeping fit is not easy with our little ones demanding so much attention. And it’s also one of the last thing on our list with endless laundry and dirty dishes piling up on a daily basis. Yet, keeping active and doing it in a right way (with engaged core/correct breathing etc) is essential for our recovery and long term health. We invite
Keeping fit is not easy with our little ones demanding so much attention. And it’s also one of the last thing on our list with endless laundry and dirty dishes piling up on a daily basis. Yet, keeping active and doing it in a right way (with engaged core/correct breathing etc) is essential for our recovery and long term health. We invite you to join us for walks, buggy exercises and other activities that will get you moving while your little ones play or naps in the fresh air.
Wether it’s a day at a spa or a yoga retreat, these are great for your body, soul and mind. Relaxing and recharging. This doesn’t only benefit you, but your little one as well. This is our latest venture with a first retreat coming up in Spring 2022 - so watch the space and do get in touch if you want to join or hear more. This is going
Wether it’s a day at a spa or a yoga retreat, these are great for your body, soul and mind. Relaxing and recharging. This doesn’t only benefit you, but your little one as well. This is our latest venture with a first retreat coming up in Spring 2022 - so watch the space and do get in touch if you want to join or hear more. This is going to be a real treat for depleted mamas in and around Farnham.